Monday, August 08, 2005

The Space Cadet

I lose my keys. I like to sleep with my cheek on a book I fell asleep reading. I forget a lot of the time a lot of things. I think of myself as a little absent minded and I worry (there's that horrible action again) that Sumner is too.

I mean sometimes he seems to forget a simple hello or good-bye when we run into people. Basic eye contact would even be nice. Getting his homework from our kitchen table to his backpack to the van to the school to the homework bin often seemed like the greatest challenge of kindergarten.

I was telling this to a friend and she shot me down. This is that same friend that told me a long time ago that the opposite of worry is trust.

She told me of an enchanting conversation she had with Sumner. She was reminding him of her new daughter's name and he said it sounded like Asia. And she said that Asia was a country. A continent, he corrected. She inquired into the difference between the two and if any countries were continents and he explained the basics of geography to her and that Australia and Antarctica were both countries and continents. Then he gave his dad credit for teaching him these things.

He's focused...she promised. Not spacey. I trust her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
