Saturday, October 15, 2005

Talk About Digging Deep

Sumner "passed" the quarter! Now what kind of parlance is that? Passed? As though he passed it from one person to another.

It is a well know fact that there are a lot of kind of poops. Some poops stream out. Others slowly ease themselves out. Some explode and still others plop. Sumner's poop on Saturday night, his first since the Thursday afternoon pooh I dug through, was a plopper. When he called me (and the chopsticks) in, there were about 5 or 6 firm little turds in the toilet.

I stabbed into one that was lying in the bottom of the hole where everything gets flushed. To avoid any unnecessary stink, I poked it apart underwater with the tip of the chopstick. No money. Then I jabbed into the biggest turd of all. It would not crumble as the first one did, so I brought it close to the surface of the stink-protective water. And there it was...the grooved edge of a quarter. Sumner, standing next to me with his pants around his ankles was happy to see it. He wanted to get it out of there and keep it, but I have my limits. So we flushed New Hampshire down to the sewers. I shudder to think who it may "pass" onto. Be wary of New Hamphire quarters that you find on the ocean floor. You never know.

1 comment:

HA said...

So disgusting... yet sooo satisfying. Yay, Sumner! It reminds me one of Joe's medical videos of a defecating proctogram.