Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tooth Fairy Literacy

Sumner had two teeth pulled today to make room for his other teeth. When he got home he opened a word document and compose the following letter in 18-point Jokerman font:

Tooth Fairy, please bring me Pokemon cards instead of money because I like them way more than wealth and there is a 50 % chance that I could get an e.x., maybe even a Lugia! Anyway, I’d like Power Keepers or Diamond and Pearl. Oh yea and if you can control what’s in it all please get me some really good cards.

Then he asked Phil and I if the Tooth Fairy could read. He told us that he remembers his Kindergarten teacher, a real authority, once told them that the Tooth Fairy sometimes bring toys instead of cash.

The Tooth Fairy wrote back to him:
I not cen reed guud. Sary. -Toof Hairy

She also left him two dollars.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are so many new postings!! I didn't know you were blogging again!!