Saturday, October 07, 2006


Sumner has found a sport that suits him. As far as I can tell Judo is wrestling in white suits on a padded floor. Sumner loves it.

He told us at dinner that they were working on pinning each other down during class. Inevitably we asked, “Did you pin the guy?”

“No. Well, yeah, but not for long.”

“What happened?”

Sumner looked up and flatly said, “My partner kept going…” at which point Sumner started to hold his breath and make his face turn red, and then said gasping for air, “‘Let me go. I can’t breath. I am choking,’” just as his partner apparently said earlier in the day.

Concerned for the life of his partner, I asked, “Where you choking him?”

To which, he replied, “No, I was just kind of laying on his wienie.”

Like I said, I think our little brickhouse has found the sport for him.

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