Friday, July 21, 2006

Mourning Our Mornings

My kids are going places these days. Ramona's in her new school and Sumner's at a camp. I am glad to have the time to myself and I am getting alot of good stuff done, but I miss our mornings. I miss Ramona and I sleeping in until 8:30. I miss having the luxury of time so that I don't have to tell Sumner to stop playing and come to breakfast. I miss not having to rush out the door.

The thing is that the mornings were turning into afternoons of cabin fever. Sumner, Ramona, and I needed out and it was too hot to go out and we all ended each day frustrated or angry. There's been lots of bickering.

The first and second days of "going places" the kids were gung-ho. The bickering ended. But the newness wore off well before familiarity materialized. They plainly tell me that they want to go home to Boston, they don't have friends yet, and that they want to stay home everyday.

And I want them to stay home and I want our mornings back, but just because something is hard I don't think you should give up. So, we talk and we cry a little. And we make plans about how to make friends. And we talk with the counselors and the teachers and we learn the names of some new kids.

We're in mourning. We've got to work through it to get to the other side.

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