Monday, June 04, 2007

Doing Less, Getting Absorbed

A few weeks ago, on one of Phil's call nights, I picked the kids up about 5PM, got them some pizza, ate the pizza on the go, and watched a short play back at my school. The kids liked the play, but by the time it was over, it was 7PM and we were tired. When we got home I realized that I was locked out and since I had locked myself out the day before and not returned the key to its hidden spot, I was really locked out. So, the kids and I climbed back into the car and headed for my in-laws to retrieve a extra key. This was nerve-racking because while they will not judge--they know me--but I will judge myself for being such a mess.

In the middle of all of this Sumner said, "Mom, why are you always so stressed."

I said, "I think I just have too many things to do."

Wisely, he said, "Why don't you do less?"

Since that day I have been looking forward to the summer so that I can do less. And I am (2 days in) doing less, yet I am still buzzing here and doing this and planning that project and making coffee dates with all of my friends that I have missed this year.

Yesterday after a slower day (Hogwarts camp, a trip to the library, visiting with a friend, swinging on out new swing, playing Pokemon with Phil, and a bike ride), Sumner asked me another wise questions, "Mom, can I have a few days this summer where I am at home and I can just get absorbed into things?"

Having the space to get absorbed instead of just dipping your toe in here or there. What a grand idea!

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