Saturday, February 25, 2006

That word is...

Yesterday Sumner and I and his friend were hanging out. Sumner was getting into some potty talk and I was tolerating and ignoring it. There were a few poops and a few butts peppering the conversation about holograms and superpowers and at one point he spelled u-n-d-e-r-w-e-a-r for his friend. I tried not to get too worked up about it.

Then, out of no where, he says a nonesense sentence and ends it with the word shit.

I spun around, grabbed his arm, and said, "Sumner, do not say that word."

He looked at me, shocked, and said, "What? Do you even know what that means?"

"Yes," I said with a firm toungue and fierce eyes, "I know what it means and I do not want to hear it or you will lose some priviledges."

"Okay," he agreed, clearly not getting the difference between poop and shit.

Later, away for the ears of his friend, I explained myself. "Shit is a word that people take offense at. It is rude to say it and people get really shocked when someone says it aloud."

Sumner just said, "No, Mom, that word is fuck."

I guess he understands these things.

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