Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I want to help.

Sumner told me I could share this and I just couldn't help myself.

We are driving through our neighborhood where small piles of debris have yet to be hauled away and we were about to get to the part of our morning drive where we pass by blocks of NO projects that have been boarded up since the storm.

Sumner: Mom, some kids on Nickelodeon said that they are going to help build New Orleans and I want to do that too.

Me: (Choking back tears.) What do you want to do?

Sumner: I think I could hand people the pieces of things that need to go back together. I'm good at putting things together.

I thought, poeticly, Can we please have more Sumners to put things together? Maybe T.V. isn't all bad.

Later that night I was retelling this story to Phil as Sumner listened. Sumner then added, "Yeah, [helping out] could even lead to a television appearance."

I am permanently unplugging the T.V.

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