Friday, July 07, 2006


My mom is always telling me things to watch out for. Don't shop at Walmart; they support Bush. Don't let your kids play with bungee cords; they (these strong elastic cords with hooks) will maim their virgin skin or poke their eyes out. Don’t eat beef; it causes colon cancer.

It gets to be ridiculous. If there is a thing that she heard once had one negative side affect or involvement with someone or something slightly negative (in her view), then I need to do away with that thing. It is very silly.

The other day she asked me, "Did you hear about the lady who got really injured by doing pilates? She was crippled and laid up for years and I think she had to have surgery."

I replied, "Did you hear about the millions of people who have gotten in shape and healed bad backs and aches and pains with pilates?" I should have continued, "Did you hear about the cheap things you can get at Walmart? and that beef has iron in it, which you need."

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