Monday, August 07, 2006

I went grocery shopping in high heels today

I've seen it done. I never understood it. It was not a quick in and out. It was a whole shop. And I did it. Today. After work. They really weren't high, high heels, just a little high, but they are pointy. What will people think of me?

Funny thing is, I thought I was being so efficent and making my family's life just a little easier.

As I pulled into the driveway I got a frantic call from Phil. He fired away, "I'm in the check out line at the grocery. Just got your message [that you also went shopping]. What did you get? Milk? Yougurt? Fish for dinner tonight? What kind of fruit? Tell me now." He was watching his basket full of groceries inch down the belt, imagining a wilted head of lettuce in a week.

So we have a lot of food in our house. As Sumner pointed out, "We have 48 squeezy yougurts." And four boxes of cous cous and 12 cans of beans and enough salad for a party of 20. That's okay. My shoes are off and we won't go hungry.

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