Sunday, August 13, 2006

Optimism in New Orleans

I have been shocked to find so many positive people in New Orleans. I mean, my goodness, this place is still a wreck. And then I started to think about it. You know how sometimes you hear people say that since Americans are the children of immigrants (which is of course only partially true), then it follows that we are hard working, striving entrepreneurs who are willing to take risks and get the job done (which is of course also only partially true).

Well, I think I have discovered another partial truth: the people who are left in the Greater New Orleans metro area are optimists. Maybe we are just in denial, but if you were living here and didn’t like this city and could go elsewhere, you would. If you are pessimistic in the slightest, you’d go elsewhere. So, we’re left with a bunch of can-doers. I like that.

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