Friday, February 22, 2008

Book Covers

Dad actually emailed this true story to me:

Here is a quote from a GC [Grinnell College] applicant I found yesterday:

Q: How did you first learn about GC?

A: I spoke with 1 of your representatives at an otherwise disappointing college fair. The booth caught my eye on our way out. Not being familiar with GC, it was solely the man’s attractively unique personal presentation that drew me to your college; a balding head, thick black glasses (not unlike my own), and a pair of fiery orange eyebrows—a smart guy, a real character. Our exchange was, obviously rewarding. For once, the cover was an accurate representation of the book!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is seriously awesome. hilarious. i can so see your dad in my mind right now. not so retired, is he?