Friday, October 28, 2005

Just A Regular Person

As I sat down to write this quick anecdote, Ramona was running behind me, from the front door to the back and back and forth again. She was wearing wings and told me she was a butterfly. Just before this she asked me to show her how to shoot Sumner's play guns. Then she came up and told me, as she took off her wings, "I'm not a butterfly any more. I'm just a regular person." There's nothing regular about her.

This morning Sumner told me that he wants to invite 32, no 34, people to his birthday party, which is in March. What theme does this fun loving 6-year-old want to have? A chess party. Why does he want to invite 34 people? He wants for 32 of them to dress as live chess pieces and he wants for two of them to actually play chess with the live chess pieces in our front yard. That will be a sight. He said that Ramona's friends can be the pawns.

When I suggested that some people, including me, may not know how to play chess or enjoy standing in the cold with a crown on their heads, Sumner said, "There could be other activities. Like regular chess." Ramona just offered to teach me how to play chess. Then Sumner had a bright idea, "They could also play checkers."

At least the cake would be an easy shape. There are no "Regular People" in this house.

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