Monday, June 26, 2006


The other day, I was laying bed with Ramona as she fell asleep. She gently took my face in her hands and whispered, "Did you know that you can poop in the shape of a ribbon?" She went on to explain how she thought this could be done, which involved a little bit of bathroom gymnastics.

Just now she hollered from the bathroom, "Hey mom, my poop is in the shape of a moon or a banana."

And I thought I was talented because I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue.

1 comment:

snobbyblogger said...

Did you know that your poop is actually supposed to be in the shape of a moon or a banana? I learned it from a Doctor on the Oprah show. When your poop looks like marbles you need more fiber or something. I hardly ever get moons or bananas.